Thursday, August 9, 2012

What I've Been Up To

Here is a peek at what I've been doing.
I've been cutting stacks and stacks of referee cards for a soccer tournament.Why? 'Cause that's what soccer moms do. Plus my husband is on our local soccer club board.
This is  only a tiny stack, because I was to lazy to go into the kitchen to take a picture of what I did earlier
Look closely......why, oh why, is the top, left card print upside down?!? Let me tell you that it may not seem like a problem, but it is. I asked my husband who the moron was that set up this print. Can you guess who? Yep, the hubby did it. I complained that they didn't line up for a single cut. He said that's why he was going to cut them all by hand. /There. /Are. /Hundreds./ You can see by the scraps that several cuts were necessary to trim the cards into the 2" x 3" required size. That was hard on my "sort of perfectionist" self.
Whoever gets the job of  "referee co-ordination" next year will have a head start on the cards, because I know we won't need them all now. There are even more to cut dearest has the habit of copying way more than necessary-of anything I ask him to copy, like our insurance cards to add to our daughters sport, camp, and trip forms. Gotta love a man like that! He is the best ever, I'm a lucky woman.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about running around looking for whistles last night, (before starting the cutting). Referees just took them home last year so they only have 10 left. Joe wants to have 10 more, so my husband and I went to 3 stores and found the last 10 metal ones at our local Meijer store. The rack they were on said $1.99. The ones above were $3.99, they were black and I figured they must be plastic covered metal. Ours rang up at $3.99, so the cashier called back and they told her to give them to us for $1.99. All of them. How about that? A stock person goofed in our favor.

Tomorrow evening our dear daughter will play, high school division and the adult divisions will also play. Saturday our dd will be a referee, she said she still has her whistle from last year. I just said make sure you collect them this year.

Hope someone gets a kick out of my rambles. If not, it was fun to write anyway!!!!


Thrifty Crafty Girl said...

My husband does that sort of weird stuff too... IT DRIVES ME NUTS! They don't understand what it's like to be a perfectionist!

Faye Henry said...

That was funny, Lori.. What do we do with these men? Can't live with or without them.. grin..

Magic Love Crow said...

Wow, that's a lot of work! I hope your hubby took you out for a nice dinner after all this ;o) Excellent getting the whistles for the cheaper price ;o) Yeh! I hope your daughter did well! Take Care ;o)


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