Thursday, December 27, 2012

An Update on Lia

Here are two updates on Lia from Dian and Troy:

The Cowardly Judge! (Susan Hubbard) 
Dec 19

Lia Update
Dec 26

This is an outrage! I am ready to do anything I can to remove this woman from the bench.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Help Needed

I know I have been absent, but you know how life is sometimes. I have a request. Please read these posts:
Taking a Break, So Much to Say, Just to Keep You Updated, and Asking for Help. Can you believe this outrageous situation? How could this happen???? With all of the injustice in this country, this is one thing I feel I can do something about.  Diann has even done a sample for us to 'cheat' from. Please, if you can, take time to send a letter. This judge should be disbarred! Not sure if that is the right word, but you get my drift, I think. Behind you 100% Diann, Troy, and especially Lia.


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